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The meeting of the President of Uzbekistan and the head of «Lukoil»

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov received on November 10 the president of the LUKOIL oil company Vagit Alekperov, UzA reported. The parties exchanged views on the current situation in the world and regional markets of hydrocarbon raw materials, and also discussed key areas of cooperation.

Today, LUKOIL implements investment projects to develop and develop promising gas fields Khauzak, Shady, Kungrad and Kandym Group, and develop oil and gas sites in South-Western Gissar and the Ustyurt region. In the framework of joint geological exploration, promising hydrocarbon deposits are discovered in the Uzbek part of the Aral Sea.

The total volume of LUKOIL investments in the implementation of projects in Uzbekistan exceeded $ 5 billion.

At present, LUKOIL has started construction of the Kandym gas processing plant with the use of advanced technologies, which will allow for the deep processing of 8 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually.

Vagit Alekperov noted that the project, which is planned to be put into operation in 2018, is implemented within the framework of the Program for Further Reform, Structural Transformation and Diversification of the Economy of Uzbekistan for 2015-2019.

Text: «Gazeta.uz»

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