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The list of documents for obtaining a Schengen visa is updated

As reported on the website of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 4, the European Commission adopted a decision approving the list of supporting documents required for filing an application for a Schengen visa in Uzbekistan.

The list contains a list of supporting documents, the provision of which is mandatory for all applicants, as well as documents provided depending on the purpose of the trip (transit, tourism, guest trip, business, treatment, etc.).

In the list of required documents — a certificate from the place of residence, a ticket for round-trip travel, a certificate confirming the availability of funds, a confirmed proof of the availability of temporary accommodation for the entire period of stay and confirmation of family ties in Uzbekistan.

Full text of the list in Russian

The decision of the European Commission emphasizes that in individual cases, applicants may be required additional supporting documents or, on the contrary, certain documents may not be required, comments gazeta.uz

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