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Strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Japan expanded

According to gazeta.uz, Uzbek President Islam Karimov and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe signed a Joint Statement on the deepening and expansion of the strategic partnership between the two countries following the talks in Tashkent on Sunday.

In addition, a number of documents have been signed on the development of cooperation between foreign affairs agencies and financial institutions, as well as in energy, science, and health.

Agreements have been reached to implement joint investment projects worth more than $ 8.5 billion in such areas as the modernization of energy and transport infrastructure, the development and processing of mineral resources, automotive, oil and gas and chemical industries, telecommunications and other modern industries and industries.

At the talks, an agreement was reached to continue the political dialogue and expand cooperation in the areas of trade, industry, finance, energy, education and culture. Particular attention was paid to the issues of strengthening security and stability, joint struggle against international threats and challenges.

At the talks with the participation of official delegations of the two countries in an expanded format, issues of development of cooperation in trade and economic, investment, financial and technical, cultural and humanitarian spheres, increasing volumes and expanding the range of mutual trade were discussed.

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