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September 24 is declared the day of the celebration of Kurban Khayit

According to gazeta.uz24 September — the day of the celebration of Kurban Khayit — is declared a day off. The corresponding resolution was signed on September 18 by the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.

«Taking into account the appeal of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan on the coincidence of the first day of Kurban Khayit this September 24 (Thursday), September 24, 2015 is declared a day off and widely celebrated in the country as a holiday,» the document says.

The national funds «Nuroniy», «Mahalla» and other relevant departments and public organizations are entrusted «in an organized manner and at a high level, in accordance with the national values of our people, to carry out the necessary measures in connection with the conduct of Kurban Khayit on the ground.»

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