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In Uzbekistan, E-SUD electronic legal proceedings are being introduced

According to gazeta.uz, from October 2014 to December 2017, a joint project of the Supreme Court with UNDP and USAID «Partnership in the Rule of Law in Uzbekistan» is being implemented.

The project was a continuation of the great work done by UNDP jointly with Uzbekistan in improving the efficiency and accessibility of ships and providing citizens with access to basic services of the judiciary. One of the activities is the expansion of the information system of electronic legal proceedings E-SUD, piloted in 2013 in the Zangiata inter-district court for civil cases.

At present, three inter-district civil courts in Tashkent, namely Shaykhantahur, Mirzo-Ulugbek and Yakkasaray, have been prepared to launch the E-SUD system — local networks have been built and the necessary equipment has been purchased. Until the end of 2015, the system will be implemented in eight civil courts in Tashkent and the Tashkent region.

Now the software is being updated. It is planned to develop additional components for courts of appeal, cassation and supervisory instances, which will allow to establish vertical communication between higher courts and courts of first instance. In addition, work continues on improving the procedural legislation in connection with the introduction of electronic legal proceedings, preparing manuals for judges on the use of the information system.

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