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The Senate passed the Amnesty Act

The Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan on Friday at the 16th plenary session adopted a resolution on the amnesty in connection with the 22nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution, as reported by gazeta.uz.

The adopted document provides for the exemption from punishment (including restrictions) of women, persons first convicted of a crime, persons who have not reached the age of 18 years old, men who have reached the age of 60, and citizens of foreign countries. The exact number of those who fall under the amnesty will be known later.

In 2013, the amnesty was applied to 69497 persons, of whom 3,237 people were released, the rest were reduced in terms of serving their sentences, and for some, criminal prosecution was terminated.

The right to take a decision on amnesty on the recommendation of the President is applied in Uzbekistan with the beginning of the bicameral parliament in January 2005. The Senate passed such a resolution in 2005 for the first time in connection with the 13th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution. Previously, this act was exclusively the prerogative of the head of state.

Text: «Gazeta.uz»

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