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The Republic of Uzbekistan will adopt the concept of a healthy diet

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 25, 2015 No. 102 «On further improvement of the implemented measures in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan» will form the Republican Commission for the organization and control of the implementation of a set of measures in the field of healthy nutrition of the population. One of the main tasks of the Republican Commission is the development of the Concept and a set of measures in the field of healthy nutrition of the country’s population. Also, among the main directions of ensuring healthy nutrition of the population is the expansion of domestic production of basic types of food raw materials in accordance with modern requirements for quality and safety, as well as the development of production of food products enriched with essential ingredients, specialized products for baby food, dietary (curative and preventive) food products and dietary supplements.

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