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Moody’s Investors Servicea has confirmed a «stable» forecast for the development of the banking system of Uzbekistan

According to gazeta.uz, experts of the International Rating Agency Moody’s Investors Service expect that the banks of Uzbekistan will be able to maintain their profitability indicators within 12-18 months, such as profitability of assets and capital, at the current level of 1.5% and 13-15% respectively.

Among the factors that led to this forecast, a significant growth in the economy of Uzbekistan and a stable level of liquidity, which is maintained due to the growth of customer deposits and significant amounts of financial resources sent by the government to the largest banks. A stable and diversified economy of the country, strong capital investments also provide a stable operating environment for banks, the agency said.

In connection with the 20% growth in lending in this period, the capital adequacy ratio of the first level of Uzbek banks in the next year and a half could fall to 13% from 17.4% at the end of 2014, experts say Moody’s. In their view, to maintain the current level of capital adequacy, measures will be needed to increase the total capital of banks.

«We expect that the average levelof problems within 12-18 months will not exceed 6-7% of the total number of loans issued. However, the level of the savings is created by banks for possible losses on loans will be 50-60% of the volume of available problem loans, «the report says.

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