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Legislation on the activities of bloggers

As reported by Academy of Sciences Podrobno.uz, the President of Uzbekistan signed the law «On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan». This document adds to the law «On Informatization», which are related to the regulation of bloggers.

In particular, for the first time in the legislation the concept of a blogger is introduced.

«A blogger is an individual who places public information on socio-political, socio-economic and other information on his website and / or a website on the World Wide Web, including for information by users of information.»

The law also introduced a new article 121 «Dissemination of publicly available information in the worldwide Internet information network».

According to it, the owner of a website and / or a website page, including a blogger, is obliged not to allow the use of his website and / or a website page in the worldwide Internet information network where public information is posted in purposes:

— Call for violent change of the existing constitutional order, territorial integrity of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

— Propaganda of war, violence and terrorism, as well as ideas of religious extremism, separatism and fundamentalism;

— disclosure of information constituting state secrets or other secret protected by law;

— dissemination of information that provokes national, racial, ethnic or religious enmity, as well as discrediting honor and dignity or business reputation of citizens, allowing interference in their private life;

— propaganda of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors;

— propaganda of pornography;

— commission of other actions that entail criminal and other liability in accordance with the law.

The owner of a website and / or a website page, including a blogger, is required to verify the authenticity of publicly available information prior to posting on its website and / or page of the website on the World Wide Web, which hosts public information, as well as immediately delete the posted information if it is found to be unreliable.

In the event that the owner of the website and / or the page of the website, including the blogger, does not perform the duties specified in parts one and two of this article, access to the specified website and / or page of the website may be restricted to a specially authorized body in the manner established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Violation of the requirements established by parts one and two of this article entails responsibility in accordance with the law.


Source: AN Podrobno.uz

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