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Legal Clinic of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan opened in Tashkent

September 15 in Tashkent, the opening of the Legal Clinic of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, as reported by gazeta.uz

«The purpose of establishing the Legal Clinic of the Federation of Trade Unions is to strengthen the protection of workers’ rights in the social and economic sphere and provide them with free legal services,» the press service noted.

The activities of the Legal Clinic are organized in the following areas:

social and legal activities (protection of rights and interests, provision of free legal assistance);

information and educational activities (on international and national labor standards);

educational and training activities (development of law enforcement skills, education of adherence to universal values, formation of an active civic position);

scientific-research activity (development of scientific and analytical materials in the social and labor sphere).

Legal advisory services will be provided by volunteers with the direct participation (under the supervision of) mentors or experts. The services will be provided in the form of consultations and opinions (oral, written), assisting in drafting legal documents (appeals to state bodies, lawsuits, petitions to courts) and other forms not prohibited by law.

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