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Employees of the Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be awarded

As reported by gazeta.uz, President Islam Karimov signed a decree on October 22 awarding a group of employees in connection with the Day of the employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan (celebrated on October 25).

For many years of dedicated work in ensuring public security, peace and stability in the country, the courage and bravery shown in the performance of duty and the protection of national interests, as well as for a worthy contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation in the spirit of devotion to the Motherland, Shuhrati, Shon-Sharaf II, Dustlik, Mardlik with Medals Zhasorat, Sodik Khizmatlari Uchun and Shukhrat.

One of the awarded «Zhasorat» medal — the fireman of the militant part of the fire safety of the Urganch ATS (Khorezm region) Dilshod Yakubov — was awarded posthumously.

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