Karamatov va AdvokatlarНовостиDay of protection of the ozone layer was celebrated in Tashkent
Day of protection of the ozone layer was celebrated in Tashkent
In Tashkent and the regions of Uzbekistan on September 16, under the motto «Ozone is the only thing that protects us from ultraviolet radiation,» a series of events dedicated to the International Day of Ozone Layer Protection was held, the information service of the State Committee for Nature Protection reported, according to gazeta.uz
A round table was held in the capital with the participation of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, representatives of ministries and departments, public and environmental organizations. Interactive games and thematic contests, photo shoots and quizzes were also prepared, revealing the importance and importance of protecting the ozone layer.
Uzbekistan ratified the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol in 1993 and, by gradually adopting all its amendments, is in compliance with relevant requirements and provisions. Today, the parties to the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol are 197 countries.
In Uzbekistan, 99.95% of ozone-depleting substances have been withdrawn from circulation, which is ahead of the deadlines planned by the Montreal Protocol.
Already, modern plants for the extraction and recycling of HCFCs are being supplied to the republic, and the practice of maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems is being improved. There is a search for innovations to phase out the use of ODS in domestic, industrial and agricultural areas. In 2005, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution «On improving the regulation of the import and export of ozone-depleting substances and products containing them from the Republic of Uzbekistan».
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