Karamatov va AdvokatlarНовости2015 is declared the Year of attention and care for the older generation
2015 is declared the Year of attention and care for the older generation
On Friday, at a solemn meeting dedicated to the 22nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, President Islam Karimov proposed to declare 2015 a year of attention and concern for the older generation, as reported by gazeta.uz
«Over the past period, no matter what names we give to the years, whether it’s the Year of Family or Women, the Healthy Generation or the Healthy Child, the Year of the Mahalla or the Well-being and Prosperity, they all certainly had a profound meaning and content,» the head of state said.
«Nobody can deny that by setting these noble goals, we, first of all, made important practical steps towards further liberalization of our society, the growth of the level and quality of our life, the strengthening of peace and tranquility in the country, the enhancement of the authority of our Motherland in international arena, «he said.
The popular proverb says: «In the house where there are elderly people, good and light rule.» Indeed, we all know that in a house where there are people of the older generation, where there is respect for them, there is a special comfort and prosperity.
Therefore, we must always remember that in the successes we achieve today in various spheres, there is an invaluable merit of our parents, respected veterans, we are indebted to them and must do everything possible to ensure their well-being and long life, «- the head of the country stressed.
It is the duty of each of us to show constant respect and concern for our fathers, grandfathers, mothers, our rich life experience, our own example, which make an invaluable contribution to the formation of an atmosphere of peace, harmony and happiness in every family and stability in society, actively participating in transformations in all first of all, in the education of a healthy generation in the spirit of our historical heritage, cultural values and good traditions, «the President said.
Islam Karimov cited a number of figures on the age structure of the older population of Uzbekistan. Today there are more than 2.873 million people over 60 in the country. The age of 225 thousand people exceeds 80 years, 44 thousand — 90 years, and 8700 — people who have crossed the 100-year mark. The number of participants in the Second World War is 3109, veterans of the labor front — 69994.
In order to fully support the representatives of the older generation in Uzbekistan, a lot of work is underway, Islam Karimov said. In 2014, the state budget allocated more than 11.618 trillion sums to pay pensions and over 105 billion sums to pay benefits. The size of the pension in Uzbekistan is more than 41% of the average monthly salary — «such a real concern of the state about the elderly is observed in very few countries of the world».
In connection with the announcement of 2015, the Year of attention and care for the older generation will be adopted by the state program and for its implementation a special government commission will be created.
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