Karamatov va AdvokatlarНовостиVisit of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Uzbekistan
Visit of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Uzbekistan
At the Kuksaroy residence on June 12, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov met with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, narodnoeslovo.uz
This visit provided an opportunity to exchange views on strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation between Uzbekistan and the United Nations, including in such areas as counteracting nuclear proliferation, sustainable social and economic development, solving environmental problems and rational use of water resources, resolving the situation in Afghanistan and restoring it, the fight against the threat of international terrorism and drug trafficking, and others.
During the talks, the parties discussed a wide range of regional and international issues, identified priorities for the further development of Uzbekistan’s cooperation with the UN and its specialized institutions and agencies.
At the heart of the issues discussed were the problems of preserving and strengthening security and stability in the Central Asian region, which are becoming a protracted nature of the problem of Afghanistan.
The signing of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework for 2016-2020 is an important milestone.
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