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President of Uzbekistan signed a decree on celebrating the 24th anniversary of independence

On July 17, President Islam Karimov signed a decree on the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 24th anniversary of the state independence of Uzbekistan, as reported by gazeta.uz

The document approved the composition of the republican commission for the preparation and holding of the celebration of the next anniversary of independence.

The Commission was commissioned to develop a program of organizational, practical, cultural, educational and awareness-raising activities that embody the noble idea «You are unique, you are dear to me, my native Uzbekistan!» («Betakrorimsan, yagonasen, she is Watanim — Uzbekistan») (motto Last year: «I love you, you are dear to me, my native Uzbekistan!»).

The Republican Council for Spirituality and Education has been instructed to organize educational groups of famous scientists, writers and artists to hold educational meetings in Tashkent and regions, open conversations, literary and art evenings and cultural events dedicated to the Independence Day.

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