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The Central Bank of Uzbekistan held an extended meeting of the Board

As uzreport.uz reports, the Central Bank hosted an extended meeting of the Board of the Central Bank devoted to the results of the banking system’s activity for the first quarter of 2015, the fulfillment of the main directions of the economic program and priority tasks for the current year, determined by the President of the country I. Karimov at the Cabinet of Ministers 16 January of this year, as well as discussing the tasks set for the banking system at a government meeting on April 24, 2015.

The implementation of effective banking supervision based on international standards, the constant monitoring of the quality of assets and the liquidity of banks allowed all 26 domestic banks to obtain and confirm positive ratings from leading international rating agencies — Fitch Ratings, Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s.

Rating agency Moody’s for the fifth year in a row assigns a rating rating of «stable» to the banking system of Uzbekistan.

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